Virtual Assistant Services

Hire A Virtual Assistant

Hi! I'm Melissa, are you a blogger hiring a virtual assistant? I'm a seasoned Blogger offering Virtual Assistant Services such as Recipe Creation, Photography & Anything Wordpress/SEO. Occasionally you may find that you're completely over run with blog tasks and need some help with the little things! Blogging is tough, especially if you're just starting out and over-whelmed. Let' see how I can help.

Some Blogger Virtual Assistant Services I Offer

Maybe you would like to start adding recipes to your blog and take advantage of that Pinterest traffic, but can not boil water.  Can not take a decent photo to save your life?  No time for arts and crafts?  I have got you covered! As a blogger myself, I already know what is expected from a virtual assistant and I give it.

Thank God for my Husband

I work full time providing content for numerous clients as well as maintaining my own blog. How do I do it? Well, I have been blessed with an amazing husband who takes care of everything that does not involve my work.

Often, he plays sous chef and helps me in the kitchen. This is my only job so I can devote 100% of my time to blog related services. It's what I love to do.

  • 15 years blogging
  • 4 years providing content & blogger virtual assistant services to clients.
  • Professional Photographer
  • Major Foodie
  • SEO Lover

More Virtual Assistant Services Offered

french onion soup burger

Recipes-  All recipes are created and written by me unless otherwise stated. Any recipe I sell to a client is exclusive to that client ONLY unless otherwise determined.  Recipe content includes: Ingredient list, Instructions, Process Photos, Final Photos and Pinterest friendly images. A questionnaire will be provided so that I can get an idea of your style and photo needs (sizing, font, branding etc.)   My Portfolio needs updating, my photography has drastically changed and is more on point.

See examples here  Recipe Portfolio & Examples

Crafts-  I focus mainly on crafts for kids of all ages, from toddler to teen and even cute keepsake crafts you can do with baby. Paper crafts, paints, DIYS, re-purposing & upcycling. Occasionally, if a client requests a special DIY project that is geared more for adults I can accommodate. Craft content includes: Material list, Instructions, Process Photos, Final Photos and Pinterest friendly images. A questionnaire will be provided so that I can get an idea of your style and photo needs (sizing, font, branding etc.) See examples here Craft Portfolio & Examples

Pin Creation-  Pinterest is the number one source of traffic for most bloggers. The key to grabbing attention on Pinterest is a great photo (or collage of photos) with intriguing text and in the size that is known to do best.  I can create these for you. Simply provide the photos you have, I can edit if needed and make Pins that will stand out!

chicken cacciatore

Pin Examples (sizes reduced for this post)

keto strawberry muffins

Photo Editing , MY FAVORITE-  If you have your own photos, but are lacking the time, experience or desire to edit them. Let me do it!  Fees start at $5 each photo.  Group pricing is available at a discount.

Before & After 

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Recipe Re-Creation-  Have an old recipe on your blog that seems to get crazy traffic regardless of the not so pretty photos?   Just want to have it updated with some new Pinterest friendly images or final photos?   I can do that!  Contact me for rates.

What A Few Clients Have to Say

Jessica @ says-  "I really look forward to seeing my weekly recipe show up in my inbox from Melissa. My readers love “easy,” recipes, and she always pull through with one that my readers aren’t hesitant in trying. Also, If I have an idea for a recipe “theme,” she gladly creates one to fit the niche.  The photos are bright, cheery, large, detailed, and ready to roll when I receive them!"

Brandy and Farmer' - "I've been working with Melissa for several months now for photographs and I have been thrilled with her work.  Melissa's communication is wonderful and she really knows how to deliver above and beyond what I had expected.  With Melissa's wonderful photography I have been able to grow my following and take my food blog to a new level."

Claire (wishes to stay confidential)-   I absolutely adore Melissa, she is always available and on time. I have been able to grow my following and my income by contracting work to her. Additionally, I know I can rely on her to be punctual and provide work with posting to my sites.  Of course I knew it was a good idea for a blogger hiring a blogger. It allows me to accept for sponsored post opportunities and breath a little bit more!  Really worth every penny I have spent.  Thank you for all that you do!"

So if you are a blogger looking to hire or contract me for my services please send an email to [email protected].

Thank you!